Sunday, April 13, 2008

Final Developed Model~

Close up of the top of underground stairs: materials used are: stone, "Random", "Flakey" and wood.  These contrasts of material gives a sense of the inconsistencies of the country and the unique qualities that each element holds. 
Interior stairs in above ground studio
View of Nolan exhibition area

On the exterior of the exhibition wall i used my own texture: flexible
For the walls of the underground studio i used mainly two different types of textures.  One being my own (flakey) and the other a stone material.  I used two different materials because it reflects how in the country the land is made up of many elements and isn't consistent throughout.  On the spiral staircase i also used two textures (wood and my own, "Random").
I used a translucent material for these jagged, protruding shapes as it creates uncertainty and insecurity as you would when you're exposed to the elements of the country.

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