Sunday, April 27, 2008

Practice UT2004 One~

Front View
View into the small room/area
View from inside the small room/area
My First Practice UT2004 environment was on this sketch

Jane Goodall sketches~

Stephen Hawking Sketches~

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Experiment 2: Client Quotes~

Jane Goodall:

"It can seem as you look out that it's just chaos and that we behave in terrible ways and we never really seem to get better. But we have to remember that compassion and love and altruism is equally deeply rooted in our primate heritage."

Universal Kinship Society Jane Goodall Quotes(2007). Universal Kinship Society. accessed 15 April 2008 <>

Florence Nightingale:
"You ask me why I do not write something.... I think one's feelings waste themselves in words, they ought all to be distilled into actions and into actions which bring results."

Lewis, JJ 1997-2003, Florence Nightingale Quotes, About Women's History, accessed 15 April 2008 <>

Stephen Hawkings:

"I’m sure my disability has a bearing on why I’m well known. People are fascinated by the contrast between my very limited physical powers, and the vast nature of the universe I deal with."

1983 Horizon: Professor Hawking's Universe, 1983, Television Interview, BBC, Cambridge.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Google 3D Warehouse Link:

1. Animation of the above ground studio. Piccinini.

2. Animation of the below ground studio. Nolan.

3. Animation of the entire building.

Final Developed Model~

Close up of the top of underground stairs: materials used are: stone, "Random", "Flakey" and wood.  These contrasts of material gives a sense of the inconsistencies of the country and the unique qualities that each element holds. 
Interior stairs in above ground studio
View of Nolan exhibition area

On the exterior of the exhibition wall i used my own texture: flexible
For the walls of the underground studio i used mainly two different types of textures.  One being my own (flakey) and the other a stone material.  I used two different materials because it reflects how in the country the land is made up of many elements and isn't consistent throughout.  On the spiral staircase i also used two textures (wood and my own, "Random").
I used a translucent material for these jagged, protruding shapes as it creates uncertainty and insecurity as you would when you're exposed to the elements of the country.

paragraph on clients artworks~

Nolan: Kelly and Horse

This painting is painted on hard composition board using Ripolin which is a high-grade enamel paint.  Because Ripolin is very fast to dry he would’ve had to have drawn the outlines and had a clear idea of what he wanted so he could paint the shadows and mixing colours e.g. on the helmet with the black to green-yellow.  From the painting it seems as though Nolan did the painting in layers, starting from the sky then the mountain and so forth until he reached the horse at the front. 

Piccinini: Nest

Piccinini’s Nest was made from fibreglass, scooter parts, leather and painted with automotive paint.  The body of the scooter was made from fibreglass that was probably melted into a cast.  The wheels, handles, mirrors and leather were all probably scooter parts which she adjusted to fit in with the body of her fibreglass “animals”.  To produce the casts for the fibreglass she would’ve had to draw up her idea, then make smaller models to figure out the dimensions before creating the actual size model and cast for the sculpture.  After cooling and hardening she would’ve then connected the scooter parts and also paint the entire sculpture with automotive paint to create the “scooter” appearance.

Textures~ rescanned 16/4/08

Week 2~rescanned sketch 16/4/08

Developed drawing (close up drawings of stairs in previous blog)

Outside view
Entrance stairs to upper building (Piccinini, Nurture)

Stairs in the "wave" part of the interior

Cross section of upper and below
Entrance to below studio

Saturday, April 12, 2008

sketches of stairs~rescanned 16/4/08

Practice Building stairs:
Practice Building stairs and Developed Building stairs:

Close up of stairs in developed building:

Practice Section Drawing of Colosseum stairs:

18 sketches~rescanned 16/4/08

TOP: Above: Piccinini, cow
Below: Nolan, Unsettle
Bottom: Above: Piccinini, cow
Below: Nolan, Country

Top Left: Above: Piccinini, nurture
Below: Nolan, Bold
Top Right: Above: Piccinini, nurture
Below: Nolan, Country
Bottom Left: Above: Piccinini, nurture
Below: Nolan, Unsettle
Bottom Right: Above: Piccinini, cow
Below: Nolan, bold
Top Left: Above: Nolan, Country
Below: Piccinini, cow
Top Right: Above: Piccinini, Adorable
Below: Nolan, unsettle
Bottom Left: Above: Piccinini, Adorable
Below: Nolan, Bold
Bottom Right: Above: Piccinini, Adorable
Below: Nolan, Country

Top Left: Above: Nolan, Unsettle
Below: Piccinini, Nurture
Top Right: Above: Nolan, Country
Below: Piccinini, Adorable
Bottom Left: Above: Nolan, Unsettle
Below: Piccinni, Cow
Bottom Right: Above: Nolan, Country
Below: Piccinini, Nurture

Top Left: Above: Nolan, Bold
Below: Piccinini, Adorable
Top Right: Above: Nolan, Bold
Below: Piccinini, Cow
Bottom Left: Above: Nolan, Bold
Below: Piccinini: Nurture
Bottom Right: Above: Nolan, Unsettle
Below: Piccinini, Adorable